Wednesday, April 1, 2020


As part of his contributions to help the less privilege and vulnerable people in the society to cope with an order of "Stay at Home" issued by the Federal government, the Aremo Bola Ojugbele has donated food worth of 300,000 to the people of Ota, Aworiland, Ogun State.

Distributing the food to over 200 people in ota, today, the founder of the foundation, Prince Bola Ojugbele said he decided to gives out the food to the vulnerable people who will not be able to cope with the challenges of stay at home. He said some people are subsistence living.

In his word, "We have some people, if they don't go out in a day, they will not eat, so how would they cope within 14days of government order, that is why my foundation decided to give the little we can do for now."

Aremo Foundation was established 7years ago to cater for needy and less privilege in the society. Prince Adebola Ojugbele who is the founder is the first son of Oba Samuel Ojugbele, the Onilogbo of Ilogbo-Asowo, Ogun State.

Speaking with The Voice Magazine, one of the beneficiaries, Mrs. Hassan said Aremo Foundation has been offering this kind gesture for over 7years. She said, they know he will definitely come to their aid at this time. She described Aremo Ojugbele as a kind hearted man who is ready to help and assist whoever comes his way.

Recall that the federal government has declared 14days "Stay at Home" order as part of the means to curtail the present Pandemic that is ravaging the whole world.