Wednesday, December 25, 2019


The Bishop of Awori Anglican Diocese, The Rt. Revd. Dr. Akin Atere, has charged Nigerians to live in Peace and Love with each other so that the country can be great.

Delivering His Christmas Sermon at the Cathedral Church of St. James, Ota, Ogun State, the cleric said the purpose of the coming of Jesus was to redeemed us back to God after we have falled out from Him at the beginning.

The Bishop, who preached on the topic, "Why we are celebrating the birth of Jesus", said the reasons why all over the world we are celebrating the birth of Jesus is because, Jesus came to save us from sin.

Quoting from Galatians Chapter 1 verse four, the Bishop laid more emphasis on the purpose of the coming of Jesus. He said, Jesus came to redeemed us back to God after our early parents, Adams and Eve sinned against God. The Priest went further to say Jesus Came to liberate us from the curse that was placed on us through our first parents, He came to give us Peace, joy and love. Galatians 3 verse 13.

Bishop Atere encouraged members to give to others especially the needy and the less privilege at this time. He said, God gave us His only begotten son, so it is therefore important for us also to give God our life and also help the needy in the society.

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