Sunday, January 5, 2020


The Bishop of Awori Anglican Diocese, Otta, Ogun State, the Rt. Revd. Dr. Akin Atere has assured Nigerians that year 2020 is a year of prophecies fulfilled. 

Preaching at the Cathedral Church of St James, Ipate Oyinbo, Otta, Ogun State during the first Sunday and Holy Communion Service, the Bishop told the congregation that God spoke to him that members of his Diocese and Nigerians will experience the fulfillment of all the good prophecies of God.

The cleric said God spoke to him from the book of Isaiah chapter 46 verse 10, saying " declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done, saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose,".

The Bishop told Nigerians to be expectant because God cannot deny His word. He said, though, we have many prophets with fake prophecies, but God prophecies will always stand. He said all the prophecies of God for Nigeria and Nigerians will surely comes to fulfillment in the year 2020. 

The Bishop explained reasons why prophecies may not be fulfilled in human's life, he therefore called on people to be steadfast so that they can experience the fulfillment of God's prophecies in the year 2020

"There many impediments to the fulfillment of God's prophecies in human's life, among them are Sin, lack of faith and inability to call on God, so for Nigerians to experience the fulfillment of God's prophecies, they should stay away from sins, have a strong faith in God and believe His prophets,", he said.

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