Friday, May 22, 2020


Ogun State Traffic Compliance and Enforcement Corps, TRACE, would deploy the full strength of its operational apparatus to enforce the stay at home order of government on lockdown days on intra state routes and the curfew restricting the movement of people, especially on inter state travels at borderlines, during the Eid-el-Fitri celebration.

According to a release from the office of the TRACE Corps Commander/Chief Executive, Cdr. 'Seni Ogunyemi, all Area Commands, Corridor Commands, Divisional Commands, Unit Commands, HQ Operations Unit and the Rescue Unit has been reinforced to upgrade their operational due diligence, in order to ensure that the Covid 19 Pandemic protocol and guidelines are obeyed and respected during the Eid-el-Fitri festival.

The release urged the general public, particularly the motoring public to adhere strictly to the dictate of the lockdown and curfew order during the Eid-el-Fitri celebration.

In addition, residents of border communities are implored to cooperate and support TRACE Corps operatives in collaboration with other services, in its onerous endeavour to prevent incursion into the state of desperate and unwanted people, who may want to take advantage of illegal routes in their domain.

The release further wished all muslim faithfuls Ramadan Kareem, and enjoined all to act in accordance with the code of conduct stipulated by govern ment to narrow the curve of the spread of Covid 19 Pandemic during the Eid-el-Fitri celebration because any person arrested for disobeying the restriction order would be prosecuted and the vehicle impounded until the expiration of the Covid 19 Pandemic order.

Cdr. Babatunde Akinbiyi.
For: TRACE Corps Commander/CE.
20th May, 2020.

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