Thursday, July 23, 2020


By: Otunba Olumide Akinbinu

Lawyers in every clime and ditto its umbrella body in the like of the Nigerian Bar Association is an integral part of government. This contention is borne out of the tripod on which democratic governance is hanged i.e. the Executive, the Legislature and the Judiciary. The composition of the Judiciary is the Siamese twin of the Bar and the Bench. More than the Bench however there is a vital ground for the argument that the Bar also constitutes a pressure group within the democratic setting.

Issues of the day particularly as it affects the Judiciary and good governance pivotally should determine the intensity and direction of activities of the Bar. Thus distinguishing the Association from other interest groups whose primary objective may be to project a paralled or joint reward from possible course of events for its members.

I do not of course contend that the Bar Association is not concerned with the welfare of its members; but this is as important as its role in ensuring good governance by the operation or strict adherence to the Rule of Law in building a sustainable democracy and the greater consequence of civility in the overall interest of the Society.

Lets take a cue from the American Bar Association. The ABA determines its priority issues of concern. And among the priority issues are: (a) the breadth and strength of the American Bar Association interest in the issue of the day, (b) Importance of such issue to the practice of Law, (c) How the issue affects public perception of the legal profession. More importantly, issues that present opportunity for the Bar to make an impact ditto timeliness of issues that would engender potential achievement. The Bar also concerns itself with issues of importance to the Society as well as the administration of justice.

Where the above parameters set the stage for Bar activism in an advanced democracy; it can not be of less concern to the Nigerian Bar Association operating within the confines of an evolving democratic environment with all its inadequacies.

The above analysis greatly portend that the leadership of the Nigerian Bar Association must wrestle with Social and Political problems as well as offer statements. And in the wider dimension galvanate and promote the interest of its members. It is by no means a business conglomerate though it has resources that must be managed judiciously.

Now the apex leadership I mean the office of the President must be occupied by a Legal Pundit. A President that is imbued with analytical mind. Fearless and pro-active with a track record of performance and dexterity in handling notty legal and political issues that may arise from time to time. Needless to say that we are living in a class Society where the nature and quality of leadership determines the level of influence that can be wielded.

The Nigerian Bar Association is not a political party either and the permutation cannot be anything short of professional excellence as a yardstick for emerging leadership.

Advancing the above argument further; the legal profession is characterized by intellectualism more so in the area of advocacy which occupies a domineering position in legal practice. Not only does the intellectual prowess give stature to the holder but defines the level of influence that can be wielded by the Association.

The three contenders are eminently qualified but one is more qualified than the others. DELE ADESINA (S.A.N) of course. He combines intellectualism with indebt knowledge of the antecedent of the Nigerian Bar Association coupled with track records of performance.

Hear him articulating the position of the Bar vis-à-vis the role of the Nigerian Police in administration of Criminal Justice. Hear Dele Adesina S.A.N as he pontificates on how to decongest Court cases and the role of the Supreme Court in enhancing speedy dispensation of justice. Take time out to understudy DELE ADESINA (S.A.N) on his plans for mentoring the younger ones for future challenges.

Nothing compares with a rich background knowledge and dexterity in handling human affairs. Dele Adesina (S.A.N) as General Secretary piloted the production of 8 (Eight) volumes of the Nigerian Bar Association Journal. At the time Dele Adesina was General Secretary with Chief Wole Olanipekun (S.A.N) as President the section for legal practice and Business Law were put in place. Not done, the contribution of the Executive in which Dele Adesina served as General Secretary to the enhancement of legal education will remain memorable.

Nobody ascends the throne without a royal blood; that with the exception of usurpers. Leadership comes with effective tutelage. Leadership also comes by learning the ropes. Talk is cheap but performance stem from track records. From his tenure as the Chairman of Ikeja Branch to the luster filled tenure as General Secretary of Nigerian Bar Association; the personality of DELE ADESINA (S.A.N) and what his leadership would entail needs no further embellishment. He has carved out a niche for himself as a leader determined to offer quality and selfless leadership. A vote for Dele Adesina is a vote for a greater Bar.

Let me say this; a professional Association can only field the best and this choice cannot be a product of primordial sentiment of sex, religion or other mundane considerations attendant of local politics: Zoning formula hitherto adopted is salutary. But within the zone, only the best can be good enough for the corporate image of the Bar.

As the electioneering campaign is drawing to a close, the point being made by this piece should not be glossed over. We need a Bar Association we can all be proud of; a choice that is worthy of our votes; and a vote that will guarantee a better future for generation of Lawyers yet un-born; and a vote that will produce Leaders that can face challenges of today. DELE ADESINA (S.A.N) is a veritable choice.

Otunba Olumide Akinbinu
Former Chairman

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