Monday, August 24, 2020


The Zonal Commanding Officer for the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) in Zone 4, Jos Dr Kayode OLAGUNJU, Assistant Corps Marshal has warned motorists to desist from the illegal act of covering their number plates. He Observed  that this illegal act is common among the political class and senior government officials in the zone, comprising Plateau, Benue and Nasarawa States.This illegal conduct according to him has both safety and security implication, adding that Sections10(4)(h) and 10(4)(s) of the FRSC (Establishment) Act, 2007 makes it mandatory for vehicle identification mark (Number Plates) to be  conspicuously displayed  on the vehicle. Also, the National Road Traffic Regulations (NRTR) 2012 in sections 36 and 39 makes it an Offence not to properly display Vehicle Identification Number on any vehicle plying Nigerian roads. The Zonal Commander stated that such vehicle will be  impounded while the drivers\owners will be arrested and prosecuted in line with the extant laws.

In a release signed by the Acting Zonal Public Education Officer, Deputy Route Commander Terry Hoomlong, the Zonal Commanding Officer Called on all motorists to ensure  they properly register their vehicles with the appropriate authorities and also display their Vehicle Identification Plate to avoid any form of embarrassment. He also advised the motoring public  that proper registration of vehicle is of great  benefits to the owner of a vehicle especially in the areas of Safety and Security.  He further disclosed that in the event of vehicle theft, the robust National Vehicle Identification  database which has records of all registered vehicles in Nigeria provides detailed information for identification and possible recovery. The database is also accessible to other security agencies working in synergy with the FRSC.

The ZCO has directed all the Commands of the FRSC in the Zone to strictly enforce the laws by impounding all vehicles that carry illegal number plates and those having the plates hidden. Operators of such vehicles are to be arraigned before the Mobile or Regular Courts where they stand the risks of fines payment  of three thousand naira and or two to six months imprisonment.  Many of the violators are also in the habit of driving dangerously hiding under the illusion that they could not be tracked as the vehicle plates are covered. The Commander reminded the public that Dangerous driving under the Act and NRTR attracts fifty thousand naira fines and or six months imprisonment. 

The Command wishes the public safe motoring.

Deputy Route Commander
A.g Zonal Public Education Officer.

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