Saturday, April 18, 2020


As part of their contributions to cushion the effect of the Lockdown in Ogun State, the management of Intercontinental Distillers Limited (IDL), situated at Igboloye, Ota has dolled out food pallatives to their host community. 

According to the released sent to The Voice Magazine, one of there media agents this morning by the Company's brand manager, the palliatives is part of their corporate social responsibility to the people of Ota and it's environs.
The Managing Director of the company, High Chief (Engr) Patrick Anegbe who was represented by the Company General Manager, Chief Adegoke Adeshina donated  ninety - two bags of rice and one hundred  and fifty-two cartons of indomie to the Community  Development  Association (CDA) and other vulnerable people in the community.

According to the the General  Manager who is also the Ajiroba of Ilogbo-Asowo, he said it is part of the duties of their organization at this trying  period  to come to the aid of her host community.

Government  can only do little of the palliatives because of the limited available resources, this is the reason corporate organization must support the government, he added.

Mr Adegoke  emphasised on the economic activities of this period as nothing to talk about in terms of profit making adding  that a sustainable  country in terms of socio- political   prowess can only facilitate economic activities in the country.

The managing director, through the general manager advised Nigerians to  strictly  adhere to the directives of  governments on lockdown which is the best decision at this time to identify  more cases in order to get rid of this deadly disease once and for all.

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